Deconstruction of my Christianity - My theological Anthropology

As I discussed in Age 24 1989 and End of the Dream , it was difficult for me to re-type the original documents. It was difficult for many reasons. Besides the obvious grammar and spelling issues (please remember my degrees are in Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science, not English Literature), it was more difficult to revisit some of the worst depression I have ever experienced. This is my Theological Anthropology as written for one of my courses. My theological anthropology is complex and brings up complicated emotions. I grew up in Southern Colorado initially on a farm south of Monte Vista. Growing up, Bowen Community United Methodist Church twelve miles south of Monte Vista represented my family's spiritual home, including paternal grandparents, and my father's older sister and family. After we lost both my grandparents and my family's farms shortly after my grandfather's death, we moved north of Monte Vista. We started to attend the Monte Vista Un...