Vocational Autobiography

Early in my life, I felt a desire to help people. A set of goals I wrote before my Junior year of high school demonstrates my desire. The goals included not only included scoring a touchdown in football, running a specific time for the 220-yard and 100-yard dashes, and maintaining my grades; I wanted to attend Oral Robert University (ORU) to become a minister by 1989. Based on the example of the United Methodist minister and Iliff graduate who lead the churches I remember attending, I felt a ‘calling’ to serve others. I enjoyed volunteering for various activities within the church, including serving as an usher as a teenager. The calling changed when I accepted Jesus into my heart as a born-again evangelical Christian. During this, I wrote the goals of attending ORU as Oral Roberts reflected both the evangelical and Methodism in my own life. Knowing my parents were incapable of saving money for retirement and my education, I had to find educational funding and a vocati...