After High School

My life goals prior to my Junior Year of High School changed when I was nominated to go to the American Legion Boy's State the summer between my Junior and Senior year. I was reminded that attending Boy's State counted towards possible admission to a Service Academy. Short story long, I ended up being accepted and attending the United States Military Academy at West Point.

So attending ORU and going into the ministry was swapped for attending West Point and starting a military career. That did not dampen my Christian faith. 

Both my roommate's comments describing me as well as my activities listed above my picture, you can see that I was deeply involved in Christian activities. Besides the ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) the remainder of my activities were Christian based. The UN Council was supposed to be the VN or Vida Nueva Council which was a retreat held twice a school year. I attended it all four years and my Junior and Senior year I was responsible for organizing and running two of the male retreats along with a Protestant Chaplain. My Junior year I lead the second retreat of that school year while the Senior Male Co-Chairman assisted me and then my Senior year I ran the first retreat of the school year while assisting the Junior cadet that was taking over my position the next year. OCF stood for Officer Christian Fellowship and I was obviously a Protestant Sunday School teacher for the first three years teaching Sunday School to the Officer and Enlisted Soldier's children who were stationed at West Point. 


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